Thursday, 4 February 2010

Ok so now I have a blog, but will I actually use it this time?

I've had blogs before, but never actually used them.

Some of them were just to satisfy my curiosity and to find out what exactly blogging was back in the days when people first started using the term. Others were experiments in web design and programming on my own site -some of you might remember me putting up hundreds of photos from Jaxx or Uni on there every week, but Facebook put paid to that. How the times have changed!

So why is this latest experiment going to be any different?

Lately I've been posting all my Facebook status updates through Twitter, to see what all the fuss is about, but I've only got six followers -five of which I'm pretty sure were just hoping I'd follow them back so they can spam me about their crap music. So far I'm not convinced.

Also I've been posting a lot of links and been wanting to post bigger messages about my opinions of stuff, which you can't do without hitting the limit, so you need something like SuperWall -which is rubbish.

So I thought why don't I just finally use the blog I created all those years ago as an aggregator of well, everything. So that's what this is.

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